2017 Minor League Champions.png

1) Team name?
Haddonfield Slashers

2) Owners name? (First and last initial)
Bob W.

3) Where do you live and/or where are you from?

4) Who are you in life outside of fantasy football? (job, family, hobbies, any other personal tidbits)
Die hard Red Sox, Celtics, Bruins, and New York Jets Fan.  Father to an awesome little boy.  

5) Tell us something that is unusual about yourself?
My sense of humor.

6) Who is your favorite NFL team(s)?
New York Jets

7) Who is your least favorite NFL team(s)?
New England Patriots (Barf!)

8) What year did you start playing fantasy football?
Wow, I guess its just about 20 years.  1999 was my first year of fantasy football.  I even remember Randy Moss on the cover of my draft magazine that year. I'd bring it to class with me and study the rankings instead of paying attention!

9) What do you like best about fantasy football?
Just a great hobby, Competitive, great discussions and debates among league owners, and it keeps you active and knowledgeable in current players, stats, standings.  Makes the NFL more enjoyable as a whole, especially when your NFL team just isn't that good.

10) What is your biggest pet peeve about fantasy football?
Those losings weeks really hurt!  Hate questioning my lineup decisions after making a few mistakes.

11) What is your favorite fantasy football memory?
Very Proud of my Roster Wars Minor League Championship 2017!

12) How many leagues do you play in each year?
Roster Wars Minors, one other Dynasty League, and 1 longstanding(15years) Live Re-Draft with longtime friends and acquaintances. That ones more about the live draft and party that ensue.

13) If you have changed the number of leagues you play in since joining Roster Wars, what is the change?
Yes, I have dropped a number of leagues due to the inactivity I have seen compared to Roster Wars.  If you are looking to stay active, engaged, and challenged, Look no further than Roster Wars.

14) How has your life changed during the years you've been part of RW?
My first year in RW was my first year as a father, me and my son are 1 for 1 in championships, Lets make it 2 for 2 this year.

15) What contributions to / RW jobs have you had over the years ?
I write "Monday Night Miracle" a weekly article on Mondays detailing the lead up to the decisive Monday Night Football games, along with some off-season material.  I'm also good for a stupid post or two.
