What would happen if instead of playing in more fantasy football leagues, everyone poured their time and energy into doing everything they can with just one with the idea of making it the best league out there?

That was the concept.

What would the rules look like, what could be done to make it look it’s very best and how would you vet prospective owners so that you get only those dedicated enough to give the concept a fair shot at becoming a reality?

That was the challenge.

Even if you found like-minded people who were interested, developed the rules, designed the look and ensured you had the right owners for the job…would it really be possible to make a league that blew all others away?

This is Roster Wars!


 If you have found this page and you’re interested in joining Roster Wars, just click the link below and let the journey begin!!!

Roster Wars is a lot to take in when you’re new but you’ll never find a more welcoming bunch than our member and every one of them is there to help with any questions you may have along the way.

It won’t be easy but it’s not difficult either. When you click below, you will come to our forum. This is where we are every single day of the year. Many of us show up more than 10 times every day. You just won’t find a more active group of fantasy owners anywhere.

So what should you do?

Well, as with any league you should read the bylaws and know what you’re getting into. With Roster Wars, this alone is no small task. Our bylaws are a lengthy read which often takes more than one sitting. Also, most of our owners need to refer to them regularly as it’s hard to memorize it all especially when there may be changes made at the annual owners meeting. Don’t think you have to have them memorized. What you absolutely need to do is read through them, understand what they say (ask questions if necessary) and know where to find them going forward.

From there, the section of our forum at the very top called FRONT PORCH has a step by step walk-through of how to get started with us. Following these instructions (again ask questions if necessary) is the first impression you will make with us.

At Roster Wars, you earn everything you get. You’re not the exception. We have all started with nothing and got where we’ve gotten by putting forth effort. Once you get through the above and you’re rolling, where the journey takes you will be completely up to you. I wish you the very best!

If Roster Wars looks like fun to you, we’d love to have you join us. Come introduce yourself today!


The Fantasy Insanity Interview

Some years back, Fantasy Insanity host John Bosch interviewed Roster Wars President Andrew about our Main League. Many things have changed since these interviews took place but much of the content is still accurate so enjoy the episodes.
